When the TMCP asked the students of Mahila college to join their rally yesterday, some of the girls affiliated to the SFI refused. Anindita Chakraborty along with some others submitted a memorandum to the Prinicipal. Today, when she was coming out of the college, the TMCP women stopped her and demanded a written statement from her mentioning that whatever she had mentioned in the memorandum was not true and she was not allowed to go home. A teacher sensing trouble asked her to stay in the college. Her parents were asked to come to the college by the authorities. Sometime later her sister Ayantika, an ex-student and also a SFI member came to see her sister, she was stopped by the TMCP students. A heated argument followed and then the women were hands and fists in a fight. At that moment, her father came and slapped one of the TMCP students. The police were called and he was taken away. Another police team took Anindita home. Student unions have been a part of college life for decades, but now the student unions have become politicians and are far from being students. A DYFI and SFI jointly took out a rally in protest demanding stringent action against the TMC students who created all the trouble today.
#TMCP #SFI #Siliguri #MahilaCollege