
Concept of Leadership in Islam

Concept of Leadership in Islam

Concept of Leadership in Islam Leadership can be learnt, practiced and adopted by an individual. Prophet (PBUH) said, “Each one of you is a shepherd on his flock”.
Different Definitions of Leadership
“Leadership is like beauty. It’s hard to define but you know it when you see it”. Warren Bennis
Leadership is difficult to define in a single definition.
Leadership is:
1. The pursuit of bettering your environment
2. Knowing your team and yourself well
3. Giving people the tools to succeed
4. Open, authentic and positive influence
5. Clarity, confidence and courage
6. Building consensus and common goals
7. Being the solution to problems
8. Helping others achieve the impossible
9. To develop next generation leaders
10. Building followers
• Leaders are coaches with a passion for developing people, not players; they get satisfaction from achieving objectives through others.
• As a leader, One must know the capacity of his team members that where they can perform well.
• Prophet (PBUH) did this in his life, e.g. he took the advice of Suleman Farsi of digging trench for a battle as he was an expert of that area. He made Khalid bin Waleed, one of the generals as He knew that Khalid bin Waleed was a master of battlefield.
Mashwara – Seeking Advice
• It is recommended in Islam to seek advice from all. Even Prophet (PBUH) seek advice from his companions.
• The decisions can be taken in three different ways:
1. Democratic: Majority opinion
2. Consultative: Ask those who know best or most qualified
3. Authoritative: Take a decision yourself All these methods are fine depending upon thesituation. So as a leader can use all these options can depending upon the situation.
There is no “I” in the team
• Leaders are focused on their teams not on themselves. They think of themselves as a part of team so there is no “I” in the team. They referred every victory to the common effort of their team.
Leaders are followed for 5 reasons
These are the levels of relationship of leadership with their subordinates
1. Leader commands the top position
2. Leader has a relationship with the subordinates regardless of status
3. Employee wants to be part of the leader’s team as they produce results
4. Employee wants to grow as an individual and learn new skills
5. Employee respects the leader’s judgment and personality
• A leader, a friend and any relationship should only be made with those who fear and worship Allah (SWT).
• Allah Says in Quran, “Do not extend your eyes toward that by which We have given enjoyment to [certain] categories of the disbelievers, and do not grieve over them. And lower your wing to the believers”. [Surah Hijr 15:88]
• Allah (SWT) said to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that you serve them (believers).This shows that concept of leadership in Islam is completely different. In Islam, a leader serves the people and people get benefits from him.

Mashwara – Seeking Advice,democratic,consultative,authoritative,Surah Hijr,

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