
Decision about career - Types of Students (Part-1)-Urdu

Decision about career - Types of Students (Part-1)-Urdu

The video is all about the students facing problems during the career selection particularly for our community/society. I tried to highlight the types of students in terms of their parents as our parents consider them as final decision maker.

Class A Students: has two types
Type 1: Educated parents having decision making power by n
using their own senses.
Type 2: Educated parents but trend followers. Decisions
influenced by the society. (Imposing parents)

Class B Students: has further two types
Type 3: Un-educated parents but imposing their wishes to their
children just by considering one or two factors during
career selection.
Type 4: Un-Educated parents but having trust on thier kids to
choose best for their own lives. Provide moral and
financial support only.

Understand carefully, what is your type? And wait for the part-2 of this video in order to understand "how to deal with the problems of that particular type or class".

In case of any suggestion or question, you can comment below or E-mail me @

career selection,Decision making,Parenting,Types of students,problem during career selection,

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