Hip hop dance moves tutorial for how to do a quick 8 count dance routine. Instructed by Vahe Gukasyan. FOLLOW Vahe: Snapchat: vahe_818 SUBSCRIBE: Watch more of my Quick 8 Count Dance Tutorials: ▶ New videos every MONDAY + WEDNESDAY + FRIDAY ▶ Sign-up for a class: FOLLOW: Snapchat: mihran_k The Official Mihran Kirakosian YouTube Channel
8 Count Dance Routine,8 Count Dance,Hip Hop Dance Moves,Dance Tutorial,How to,8 Count,Dance Routine,8 Count Combo,8 Count Dance Combo,Eight Count,Eight,Count,Routine,Combo,Hip Hop,Dance Moves,Tutorial,Hip Hop Dance Tutorial,Hip Hop Choreography,How to Dance Hip Hop,How to Dance,Dance Steps,Dane Class,Dance Lesson,Dance,Choreography,Moves,Steps,Class,Lesson,Step by Step,Instructions,Learn,Dancing,Hip Hop for Beginners,Beginners,Mihran Kirakosian,