
Me tanking in soloQ | I Detest it | Mobile legends

Me tanking in soloQ | I Detest it | Mobile legends

SoloQ is so frustrating, even more when you have a duo and both of them have equal IQ, so basically I detest tanking in soloQ because i have to depend even more of my team than a fighter.
*People can be really really really retarded, this is how I classify people in ML:*
- *The retarded one:* aka the boosted player, dont know the basics of the at all or even know how to use the map
- *The dick head:* aka the douche, this person doesnt care at all about anything and goes with what ever they want even tho the enemy can counter super easily
- *The trash talker:* aka toxic ones, those are actually the worst to get teamed up with, a combination of retarded and dick head, with some experience, but not enough to realize that trash talking never helps.
- *The tryhard:* In some occasions I am ok with them, In other occasions it's just annoying, especially when they die a lot and ignoring the team just so that they can look good
- *The salty one:* This person can easily get salty, and talk trash to the enemy, blaming the team or the enemy or saying that they want to 1v1 later or in the same match.
- *The kid:* Dont get me wrong, I am ok playing with a few kids, but not all of them, if they are 12 or lower, there is a high chance that they are hard to communicate with or playing with, again not all of them.
- *The cocky:* This person is one of the most annoying one to have in the team and even against one, they think that they can take anyone down, that they can solo, that they can carry, and if they are one rank higher than you, the cockiness increases dramatically and goes straight through the roof, hard to communicate with and knock sense into them, the only way to do so if you perform better than them, but they would most likely 1v1 you, and dont let me get started on the trash talking. They can trash talk so much that you really need to hand them an entire roll of toilet paper so that they can wipe their mouth, because jeez, combination of retarded, trashtalker, tryhard, salty and sometimes it can even be a kid.
- *The positive one:* I honestly love these players, even if they perform bad idc, I love those who stayed positive, if you're positive at all times in the match and give compliments, you'll melt my heart, they are rare to come by, but lovely to have, help them out.
- *The ok players:* Completely ok with them, dont mind how they perform as long as they dont start something.
- *The good player:* No need for explanation, those are the ones that dont have to do anything like the others on the list above, they can also be a kid, and that's great.
- *The pro:* dis dood: 전정국 😗 no one else, his the only one on the list, deal with it. (No worries you're pro too 😙)
And that would be it, thank you for your time, I hope you liked it, it's not much but i am sorry, i didnt have motivation to do anything or even making videos, but I'll do what i can, as always see you all next time 😄


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