Our new documentary, Rhythm and Hues is finally here! If you enjoyed it, please like and subscribe so you don’t miss out on our future content.
Find us on social media!
Twitter: @graspproduction
Facebook: fb.me/graspproduction
As always, we have left the following links and numbers below for anyone struggling:
- Help us Help - www.helpushelp.uk
- Samaritans - 116 123 (24 hour helpline)
- Refuge - 0808 2000 247 (for domestic abuse)
- Alcoholics Anonymous - 0845 769 7555
- Gamblers Anonymous - www.gamblersanonymous.org.uk
- Narcotics Anonymous - 0300 999 1212
*Grasp Productions is not sponsored by or affiliated with any of the above organisations. We do not accept any responsibility for their actions or activities*
Email for enquiries: graspproduction@gmail.com
Copyright Grasp Productions 2019