Developing SuperLeadership Skills
Our programs are designed to develop superLeaders who lead others to lead themselves through designing and implementing the system that allows and teaches others to be self-leaders.
Get the Best Training to Become a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Speaker, Dynamic Trainer, Transformational Coach, Fantastic Parent and Build the Life & Career You Want!
Meet Dr. Farookh Sensei
From a school dropout to World Record holder in International Aviation Studies; from a lazy fat boy to National Karate Champion & Asian Brand Ambassador to represent two World Karate Championships; from a medically unfit Pilot trainee to a 5 Star Airline Instructor training experienced pilots including Captains flying Super Jumbo Airbus A380s; from a shy guy to a Personal Transformation & leadership Excellence Coach to conduct training in more than 50 countries worldwide...and more! If he can do it, YOU TOO CAN!