


Check out these unanswerable questions and mind-blowing riddles with answers! You will find out that they are pretty easy only if you have a high IQ level. Solving tricky riddles and quiz questions is almost the best way to train your brain and boost your logical skills. So be sure to spend at least 20 minutes a day exercising your brain 😉

00:14 - Who will divorce soon? A small portion of visual puzzles to boost your logical skills!
01:23 - A tricky puzzle for tech minds and true geniuses only (so this one is not for me at all). Look closely at the picture and try to figure out who's likely to survive here. This is a hard level puzzle, so use 100% of your brain power!
02:44 - Hey, Detective, put your glasses on and rush to the crime scene, there is a tricky case for you! A crime riddle only brilliant minds can solve that's why we can't do without you. Collect all the pieces of evidence and analyze the facts to figure out who the killer is. Do you have any ideas? A crime riddle with an answer to tease your brain!
04:13 - A tricky riddle making you face the most difficult choice in your life! Sometimes we have to sacrifice something really precious to save more important things (or people). What would be your choice? A mind-blowing riddle with an answer to test how quickly you can make decisions!
05:24 - A terrifying riddle with an answer to make you face your biggest fears! You should hold tight to your common sense and logic in order to not be driven mad. One of the doors is exactly safe and you have to figure out which one. I wish you good luck!
06:46 - Let's see how attentive you are! Do you see anything suspicious here? Look at even smallest details to give the right answer ;)
08:02 - A short but difficult riddle to test your logical thinking and survival skills. It may seem that all the ways are equally unsafe, but one of them is actually less dangerous than the other ones. Will you find it until time's up?
09:07 - Make these hardest choices a person can ever face and reveal what secrets are hidden in your soul! This thrilling test is only for the bravest ones who aren't afraid of facing unpleasant truth about themselves. What's about me, it was all true! Will you dare to pass the test?
11:00 - A cool warming-up riddle to gently wake up your brain and boost your mental power! It's a good riddle with an answer to crack along with your morning coffee. If you feel the clock ticking too fast, just pause the video and take your time. Enjoy!
12:17 - A fun test based on the answers your subconscious would give. You don't need to overthink the questions, just relax and let your body choose. I'm just saying, everyone who's already married told me that it got the age they had married right😉
14:27 - Who is lying? A tricky visual puzzle to test your vision and attentiveness to the smallest details!

TELL me IN THE COMMENTS what kind of brain games is your favorite!

#quizquestions #questionswithanswers #trickyriddles

Music: Epidemic Sound 
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