
Fitting Prayer into Your Life

Fitting Prayer into Your Life

If you’re not fitting prayer into your life, then living out your vocation is going to be so. much. harder.

Setting aside time for prayer is the ultimate self-care.

It gives us time to offer up struggles, give thanks, and listen to the Lord. The more stress you have, the more prayer you need.

Jesus, who had more responsibilities than anyone, went out of his way to be alone with the Father.

The friars get about four hours a day for prayer ... and then once a week they have a prayer day ... and then every month, they take a weekend hermitage ... and then once a year, they take a longer retreat.

Most of us don’t have time for a prayer schedule like that, but we can use it as a blueprint. Can you set aside:
Five minutes a day?
An hour a week?
An afternoon a month?
A retreat once a year?

By adding this in little by little, (poco a poco) we’ll be able to connect with the Lord more and more.

How do you fit prayer into your life?

Learn more about the friars at

If you’ve been watching the CFR’s videos on Ascension Presents regularly, you’ve probably noticed how they’re popularized the phrase, “Somos peregrinos. Poco a poco, vamos a llegar” (We are pilgrims. Little by little, we will arrive.)

Now you can buy your own music and swag to spread that message even further with the Poco a Poco collection at


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