
Free world looks at desolate France to elect Marine Le Pen and punish globalists’ arrogance

Free world looks at desolate France to elect Marine Le Pen and punish globalists’ arrogance

The European Union–need we discuss its authoritarian nature–has ensured the establishment’s candidate, Emmanuel Macron, is going to win the French election. Mr. Macron booked his winning party at the Louvre already.

The crippled opposition, meanwhile, has been contained, censored, banned and, in many instances: criminalized.

The internet that was once a liberating force, the tool for the people to communicate their views about the rigged elections in the West, and that had aggregated the BREXIT vote and the election of Donald Trump, has now been ‘cleansed’ and ‘sanitized’.

“I don’t except any more countries to leave the Union,” German supreme leader Angela Merkel announced in March, preparing for her 4th term in office. In Germany, a new police state is born that operates Orwellian hate speech laws and fake news laws against political dissent.

Thought police, denunciation, citizens inform citizens. The alternative to Macron, Marine Le Pen, has been demonized by the entire globalist media as dangerous right-wing extremists: the Trump of France. Macron the Paladin against Le Pen the devil.

This is the world we are living in. The West, or better, Europe–with the exception of Britain–has fallen. Nothing that happens here is democracy, rule of law, or freedom expression –if it ever was. France got its puppet regime. French sovereignty is over.

Or is it? Silently, oppressed, disillusioned, many global observers hope for a last-minute crazy miracle. A last rebellion. A last show of resistance: You are somebody, France! The election of Marine Le Pen.

Free world France,Macron vs Le Pen,Arrogant globalists push for Macron,Macron globalist,French election Macron,

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