
LTBLP 2-10-2019: Feeling Significantly Better After System Clearing of Food Allergies

LTBLP 2-10-2019:  Feeling Significantly Better After System Clearing of Food Allergies

- Where You Can Live the Best Life Possible 24/7!


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This channel will be focusing every day, 24/7, on helping myself and as many people as possible, Live the Best Life Possible.

Live the Best Life Possible is a slogan that I thought of about two years ago. What it means is, to live a lifestyle that keeps your body and mind healthy and happy, and keeps other people healthy and happy, and is also as fun as possible.

Disorder and destruction are natural. It's easy to be lazy and let things deteriorate and get worse. It's easy to consume health-damaging foods and substances which give the mind a temporary feeling of satisfaction and success.

But I believe that when a person puts himself into a healthy state of mind, by knowing what he wants to achieve, and is willing to do what it takes to achieve it, and has the good health necessary to propel himself into action, and has the emotional support necessary in order to carry him through temporary defeat, and has a strong enough willpower to keep his mind tightly closed to negative influences and negative emotions, he is able to be successful and maintain his successful life without any more effort than being lazy and accepting a poor life would require.

Your health is the most important thing. The body must function properly in order for you to become rich. To make friends and trade value with people, you must be a positive person. To be a positive person, you must first have a body that is functioning properly. To be valuable to others requires s a large investment of time and energy put toward building something great. And that requires you to be physically and physiologically tuned up so that you can continuously, every single day, create greatness.

We have to know what is making everything happen. When we are aware of what is causing our problems, then we can solve them.

Then when we solve our problems, we become great and can help people around us.

And then suddenly you will notice that everywhere you go, people are nice. Everything is clean and orderly and pleasant. And you can be free and express positive emotion and everyone appreciates it. You can be a great person and feel great about yourself. You can cooperate harmoniously with others and create bigger and better things than you ever seriously believed were possible before.

Life is easy when your body and mind and soul are all in synergy.

Life can be magical. Life can be heavenly.

Live the Best Life Possible!


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