
What is Malingering? | How do those who fake psychosis get caught?

What is Malingering? | How do those who fake psychosis get caught?

This video attempts to answer several questions: What is malingering? Can somebody fake a mental illness? Which ones are often faked? What about psychosis and malingering?
The first thing I want to do is draw the distinction between malingering, factitious disorder, and somatic symptom disorder. These disorders are relatively rare. Malingering is not a mental disorder, rather it is a V code, so it's really a condition and it can be the focus of clinical attention, but it's not something that somebody can be diagnosed like a mental disorder.

Malingering is when somebody fakes mental health symptoms (or physical health symptoms) for external gain and activity is deliberate. Factitious disorder is actually somewhat similar, except it is a mental disorder, but the faking of mental health symptoms is done for sympathy, not for money or any other material gain.
Somatic symptom disorder is really quite different from those other two. Somatic symptom disorder is when somebody has real symptoms that are not explained. There's no other explanation for the symptoms but they seem to have something to do with the mental health side as opposed to having a physical cause.

Resnick, P. J., & Knoll, J. L., IV. (2018). Malingered psychosis. In R. Rogers & S. D. Bender (Eds.), Clinical assessment of malingering and deception., 4th ed. (pp. 98–121). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Malingering,factitious disorder,somatic symptom disorder,faking a mental disorder,faking psychosis,psychosis,schizophrenia,substance use disorder,major depressive disorder,ADHD,Lilliputian hallucinations,auditory hallucinations,visual hallucinations,forensic settings,drug seeking behavior,diagnostic and statistical manual,DSM,counseling,mental health,

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