
Derek Prince: "Religious Deception" *Must Hear* [Printed Scriptual References]

Derek Prince:  Derek Prince on the subject of "Religious Deception". With so much deception in the world, this is a Must Hear! Derek passed away in 2003. We feel he was a good Bible teacher, and this teaching is well worth listening to. This audio teaching offers a solid scriptual base that every believer should have. He discusses heresy; spiritism; witchcraft; doctrines of demons; and gives plenty of important scriptures to back it up. We added the printed the scripture references to help you if you are taking notes.
Welcome! Shema Ministries Jerusalem | Jerusalem, Israel is where God has placed His Name! Please *Like *Share *Subscribe!! We believe Yeshua/Jesus came in the flesh to the earth, read Test the Spirit - 1 John 4:2-3. John 3:33 Jesus/Yeshua said, "except a man be ''born again'', he cannot see the Kingdom of God." John 3:5 Jesus said, "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God." This ministry is NOT associated with the N.A.R. movement, nor the N.P.R.*****************************************************
**Credit; credit debka files; jpost; arutz; times of israel; breaking israel news; ynet; zerohedge; other mid east sources; ap; afp; getty images; nyt; sputnik; rt;; al-arabiya;; and reuters.
**ALL COPYRIGHTS GO TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS****************Copyright Act of 1976 17 U.S.C. § 107 allows for the use of work that is used for comment, criticism, or education. FAIR USE: Some content displayed on this video/site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner************
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.| Rev. 3:20: "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."
"Heavenly Father, I believe Your Son Jesus Christ, Yeshua ha Machiach, came to the earth, died on the cross and shed His blood to redeem me from my sins; I believe in the Resurrection. I'm very sorry for my sins; I need your forgiveness. I ask you Jesus, Yeshua ha Machiach, to be MY Saviour and Lord. I Repent (turn away from) my sins and walk a new life with you. Thank you for the gift of Salvation. In Jesus Yeshua's name. Amen." *Get water baptized (Acts 2:38). This is where you need to seek the wisdom of Jesus/Yeshua, because if you go to a church and they want you to attend indoctrination classes and ask you to sign a bunch of papers - RUN out of there! There are people who live in remote areas who baptise themselves, so ask Jesus/Yeshua what to do regarding this; get a Bible, preferably King James Version. Start reading Ephesians, then to John and the rest. Go and download free, E-Sword for Bible word studies.
A COMMENT to SHARE: "Remember, out of Chaos, will bring about the 'new order' of things - The chaos that we are seeing around the world is for this purpose. The AntiChrist will appear to have all the answers, and will be 'well accepted' by most people. The Bible, in Daniel and Revelation, warned us way in advance, about the one world system. Do Not take the "Mark", [Rev. 13 kjv - People can not buy or sell w/o the mark, which is to go IN the right hand, or IN the forehead], possibly the "RFID chip", plus a visual mark. The Bible says not to take it. Make a U-Turn:
Falling away is now study:

Bible prophecy,Derek Prince,Bible study,spiritism,heresy,witchcraft,occult,

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