
How Much of the Earth Can You See at Once?

How Much of the Earth Can You See at Once? My shirt is from this quarter’s CURIOSITY BOX:

Thanks to Mitchell for the jack-in-the-box!


3Blue1Brown fractal dimension video:

Mathologer video:

Distance to horizon calculator:

Earth curvature calculator:

US cross section:

Scott Kelly ISS earth pic:

names of large numbers:

Earth’s surface fractal dimension:

Improbable research pancake study:

State flatness paper:

Mental floss article on flat states:

Lake Islands:

XKCD What If? bowling ball Earth:

West Virginia map:

Is Earth as smooth as a billiard ball?

WPA rules:

Billiard ball surface scan paper:

What state people think of as flat:

Roche limit:

Hey What’s That?

Field of view:

Angular diameter:

Spherical cap calculator:

amount of sphere seen from distance calculator:

seeing Earth as a disc:

how high to see the curvature of Earth?

Earth from moon pics:

Star magnitude calculator:

Star distances:

list of stars with resolved images:

2d figures by me

3d animations by Eric Langlay

Music from Jake Chudnow:
and Audio Network:

earth,geology,mountains,outer space,math,science,vsauce,michael stevens,stars,vision,field of view,view,satellites,moon,Kansas,pancake,flat,topography,maps,

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