Along the lines of “happy people are curious” Shake the Break 2017 ’s bold ambition is to pique all curiosities and tastes – play Tetris, become your power animal, dance HipHop in the style of Missy Elliott, box like Mike Tyson, travel through Africa and enjoy some cocktails. What’s the Roger Rabbit? – a rabbit or a HipHop Move? In doubt: just strike a pose! Let’s groove through the summer … and 5, 6, 7, 8!
Date & Place: the Shake the Break Workshops take place from Monday to Friday between 17 July - 11 August 2017 at Dschungel Wien.
Psst! Two insider tips for you: Vera Rosner and Frans Poelstra do not only invite children to their dream workshop, but everyone aged between 8 and 99. Bring your grandma or your dad ;-)
Not for all ages, but definitely for all origins, cultures and languages is the dance workshop by Suni Löschner and Katharina Weinhuber. Dance together with refugees!