
Second Life REDECORATE Live Stream:! πŸ”¨ Egads! I have idiots for neighbours :/

Second Life REDECORATE Live Stream:! πŸ”¨ Egads! I have idiots for neighbours :/ #SecondLife #Watchme #LiveStream

Welcome back to my stream!

_____________________________________About Today's Stream______________________________________

I will be redecorating The Black Swan Pub across the street from my Epic Treehouse on Corsica, Trendone Road.
I do not understand as to why people who think putting up ban lines around their parcel protects them, it doesn't - it just makes them look like major non neighbourly asshats.

Join the Discussion right here on my Youtube Channel:

For stream give-aways and meetups join my in-world group: The Black Swan Chronicles:

Wanna contact me in-world? You can! Just drop a notecard into my mailbox located at The Black Swan Pub here:

--------------------------------------------------------Join Second Life Here -------------------------------------------------------------------
πŸ”—It's all happening at:

-------------------------------------------- Download the Firestorm Viewer Here -----------------------------------------------------
The most popular third party viewer for Second Life
(Hardly anyone likes the LL release client).
__________________________________Background Music that I use___________________________________
🎢 Background music provided by:
The music app for streamers - NCM - Tracks played in this stream is here:

//// *** Anything that I have talked about using, I will list the surl here for the Marketplace Listings or in-world store:

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