
Sunday Homilies podcast Episode 14: "What do you intend to do with this 40 days and 40 nights?"

Sunday Homilies podcast Episode 14: By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor

"Is there something you would want to give up to make a little bit of a sacrifice just to challenge yourself, or to open or empty yourself? Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor, asks for us for the 14th episode of our Sunday Homilies podcast, on the First Sunday of Lent. "Is there any room for God in your life or my life this 40 days? Are we willing to go without something and instead fill it with something? There is no time more sacred in our church than the time of Lent and Easter; it's the high point of the year. More than Christmas, Lent and Easter is the time of salvation. What do you and what do I intend to do with this 40 days and 40 nights? Everything depends upon it, in terms of it being a grace-filled time."


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