
The 4 Faces of Intention: How to Vibrationally Set Intentions

The 4 Faces of Intention: How to Vibrationally Set Intentions The most powerful meditation for Completing the Past ➡

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this video I'm going to be sharing with you the many faces of intention I'm going to show you as well. How do vibrationally set your intention so that you change your life? Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now, this video I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding the many faces of intention plus how you can vibrationally set your intentions. Now understand that intentions are one of the missing keys to so many people. Now what intentions do his intention to increase the probability of certain things happening? Because the truth is, is every potentiality, everything that exists, exists here and now the degree to which we experienced that which we want will depend upon the intentions that we set. So before I get too deep in this video, let's understand a little bit about what intentions are.

Think of intentions in a way like that of a declaration for what you want to experience in your life. So the way that reality works is that our thoughts are correlating with how we feel our emotions. So our thoughts, our emotions, and our actions make up our vibration and our vibration determines what we experienced in our life. We will always get a reality that is an equal to that of the vibration we put out, which means how we think, how we feel, how we act. Now, a big part of this has to do with intention because intention is the direction that we are going in. So to give the intention like the momentum, so intention is a declaration to have, do or be some type of way. Now in general, the difference, some people will say, well, what's there between desire and intention? Desire is an emotion.

A lot of times also desire saying, I really, really want that says by brazenly, I really, really don't currently have that, and even though desire can sometimes move the energy, especially when that desires turned into intention, desire in itself is not where the power is because many people just remained in the desire. I'm sure you've seen it before with people applying the law of attraction. They really, really want something, but they don't necessarily experience it unless they actually moved the energy. They can move the energy with their emotion, which means they go from feeling the lack of it, the feeling more in getting tastes of it, until they bring more of more of it into their experience, but the main difference between intention and desire is that intention is more of a declaration. It is more of a understanding that that is already yours. Whereas desire just remains as an emotion like if I have a desire right now to put up my hand, but I don't do it.

It doesn't. There's no power in itself, but I have the desire. I might have the desire, but if I have the intention to do it, the intention is the realization of the desire. The intention is the realization and the declaration of it, and that's when I can just move my arm up. A lot of times as well. When we think of desire, we think of trying. I'm going to try to do that. We'll try and imply struggle instead. If you just simply intended for it, you'll experience more of it, so think of it like this. What quantum physics shows us is that there is an infinite number of parallel realities that exist and they all exist right now in the same way that you may watch a movie and you may see and know that if you were take the movie film Strip and look at it, you could see individual frames that are there now, even though the light of consciousness, the light that is going through the film projector, you know that it looks like one lung fluid stream because of the light that's going through.

You know though, that each individual frame is a totally separate frame and the same way in the moment, right now. You would also know that every single frame exists right now in the present moment, so also every parallel reality you can possibly imagine exists right now in the present moment. Now, what determines which realities we shifted to will depend upon our frequency and...

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

This video is about The 4 Faces of Intention - How to Vibrationally Set Intention

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