
They DID NOT Expect This To Happen While Fishing...

They DID NOT Expect This To Happen While Fishing... Description:

Hey there Supreme fans! Welcome back to your favorite entertainment channel on YouTube – The Supreme! I’m your host Matty Willz, and today – just like every other day – we’ve got an extra special video lined up for you! How many of you out there enjoy going fishing? Have you ever caught anything unusual while you were out there? Well, if you have – or even if you haven’t – today’s title is They Did Not Expect This to Happen While Fishing!

10 The Pool of Seals
So, I’m just gonna go ahead and keep it real with you guys right now – today’s episode is gonna get kinda strange. You ok with that?! Well I hope you said yes because that’s exactly where we’re goin! Haha anyway, check out this first clip. We find ourselves in an unknown area of the world where a guy goes fishing for his family. And after just a few minutes, he finds himself obviously encroaching on an abundant family – of what appear to be seals! Just look at how amazing – and maybe even just a little scary – of a sight this is! Where do you think this footage has come from? And maybe more importantly, what do you think was going through the mind of the guy out on this little boat among all of these – what appear to be hundreds – of sea animals!?

9 Siamese Fish
So up next today we have something that was actually plucked from the water by a fisherman on one fated day, and it’s pretty tough to look at what was actually captured. Check it out. In a river in North Dakota of the United States, a fisherman caught this! An apparent two bodied fish! This Siamese pike is obviously an extremely rare find out in the wild – and it’s not exactly clear how often this actually occurs out in the wild. Now, before we move on I just gotta say – if this fisherman were out fishing for his family’s dinner – well, he should be happy cause he just landed a two for one!

8 The 680 Pound Tuna
So we’ve gone from a frantic sea lion cove to a Siamese pike fish in North Dakota – now on to one of, if not the largest tuna ever caught with a fishing rod – and that takes us all the way back to the year 1913 out in Nova Scotia. A man named J.K.L. Ross, the guy on the left, is the one that supposedly reeled him in. Now, you may have noticed that I used the word supposedly, and I gotta say – when I look at the size of the fish – then I compare it to the size of the angler – I mean, am I the only one that sees the severe size discrepancy here? Haha I’m not saying that my man JKL couldn’t muscle up the might to reel it in… I’m just saying. Haha, let’s just move on.

7 Ocellated Icefish
So, moving things right along. Check out this next rare find that was fished out of waters in Antarctica. It’s called the ocellated icefish – or what’s known in the science world as the chionodraco rastospinosus. Yeah, we’ll just stay with ocellated icefish haha. Anyway, the most distinct characteristic of this crazy underwater creature is the fact that it is the only animal on the planet that has clear blood. Yeah, like see through clear. Freaky, right? You see, the way things go for every other creature on the planet is that if you have bones then your blood has hemoglobin in it, which once it hits oxygen gives off the deep, blood red appearance that we’re all used to. Apart from the clear blood, the ocellated icefish also has no scales – and they typically live deep deep down underwater – as low as some 3200 feet, in some cases.

6 Japanese Mutant Fish
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Background Music: [No Copyright Music] Mystery - GoSoundtrack

Ending Song: [No Copyright Music] Missing Someone (Vlog Music ) - Dj Quads :

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did not expect that,fishing,fish,fishing videos,fishing moments,sea creature,sea creatures,unexplained,unexplained videos,unbelievable,most mysterious,mysterious videos,mysterious,unsolved mysteries,unsolved mystery,unbelievable videos,siamese fish,seals,tuna,biggest tuna,ocellated ice fish,japanese mutant fish,caught on tape,caught on camera,caught on video,sea monster,sea monsters,creature,creatures,mysterious creatures,video,Top,Lists,New,Viral,2019,

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