subject’s surroundings that can be seen at any one
time around an object of fixation. The extent of normal
visual field with a 5 mm white colour object is superiorly 50o, inferiorly 70o, nasally 60o and temporally 90o . The field for blue and yellow is roughly 10o less and that for red and green colour is about 20o less than that for white. Perimetry with a red colour object is particularly useful in the diagnosis of bitemporal hemianopia due to chiasmal compression and in the central scotoma of retrobulbar neuritis. The visual field can be divided into central, and
peripheral field :
_ Central field includes an area from the fixation
point to a circle 30° away. The central zone
contains physiologic blind spot on the temporal
_ Peripheral field of vision refers to the rest of the
area beyond 30° to outer extent of the field of
#optometryacademy #visualfield #vfa #humphrey #falsepositive #falsenegative #fixationloss