
4 Signs Your Ex Still Loves You

4 Signs Your Ex Still Loves You 4 Signs Your Ex Still Loves You

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What’s up YouTube, it’s your favorite breakup coach here… my name, of course, is Brad Browning, and I’m the world’s #1 most trusted expert when it comes to breakups and re-uniting with an ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend.

Before I dive into the first sign, I should mention that my free quiz tool is the single best way to evaluate your chances of getting an ex back… so if you haven’t already done so, please head over to after the video and take my free quiz to get a full evaluation of your current situation and your odds of getting him or her back.

Now, after that free quiz on my website, the second best way to tell whether your ex is still in love with you is to look for these 4 signs I’m about to cover. Now it’s definitely still possible that your ex may have feelings for you even if they haven’t done any of these 4 things, so don’t lose all hope if that’s the case in your situation… but they are very strong indications that your ex is still thinking about you and missing you to some extent.

SIGN #1: Your ex tries to maintain regular contact with you.

Well, yes, it is that simple in some respects…. But this becomes a stronger and stronger sign that your ex is still in love with you if it happens AFTER you’ve ignored some of their calls or texts previously, or if they continue to reach out regularly for months after you initially broke up. If you’ve been employing No Contact for weeks now, and ignored some or all of your ex’s attempts to contact you in the past, but they’re still trying to reach out to you frequently… that’s a very clear sign they can’t get you out of their head. Similarly, the longer this continues after your breakup, the more it suggests your ex isn’t happy with the single life and is longing to have you back in their life.

In fact, this ties in nicely with sign #2….

SIGN #2: Your ex seems nostalgic, brings up happy shared memories, or references inside jokes and sexual innuendos.

If your ex is contacting you regularly, like I just talked about with sign #1, that’s usually a good sign… but again, if what they’re actually saying is all “business” and not very emotional or heartfelt, that’s not nearly as strong of an indicator as if they seem to be nostalgic or regularly bringing up positive memories and innuendos.

SIGN #3: Your ex remains upset, angry, or emotional weeks or months after the breakup.

Now, I fully expect this one to be a bit controversial, but in my 12+ years of experience as a breakup coach, I would suggest that this is often actually a good sign. Now, if you cheated on your ex with their best friend for years…. If you lied often, hurt them badly, or murdered any of your ex’s friends or family members… yeah, those sorts of things are going to create anger and negative emotions that will last a long time.

SIGN #3: Your ex seems to be sending mixed “hot and cold” signals, where it seems like one minute they’re saying they miss you and the next minute they’re cold and distant.

That’s why these ‘hot and cold’ mixed messages from your ex are often a great sign -- they indicate that he or she is conflicted internally, and wanting to string you along for a while so that they can keep their options open and decide to take you back if they choose to. This is super common and not always intentional on your ex’s part, but it really does make a lot of sense: if you’re still in love with someone but you think breaking up is the right decision, you’re going to want to keep your options open and be able to choose to get back together down the road.

I’m not going to get into the details of how to do this or how to escape from this type of situation here in this vide, but you can learn exactly what to say and do to recover from this and turn it into a positive thing for your chances of getting back together by picking up a copy of my Ex Factor program right now. I explain in detail what to say, what to do, and how to handle every conceivable scenario you might face with your ex -- like this one I just covered -- in the program. And best of all, you’re covered by my risk-free money back guarantee for a full 60 days after signing up… so you’d be crazy not to visit right now to get full access within the next 5 minutes.

That’s it for today, folks… good luck out there, keep doing all the things I teach and recommend here on YouTube and in my program, and you’ll be in great shape to get a second chance with your ex. Catch you in the next video, bye for now!

brad browning,breakups,get your ex back,ex boyfriend,ex girlfriend,

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