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So here we've got five common running issues that you might get and where they are where you might be experiencing pain on the body and I've got them on the diagram here circled you probably can't see the circles that well but I'll point them out to you anyway this is a right leg so as it's coming out of me okay it's we've got the front of the leg here here is the right leg at the back of the leg so I go through from the front to the back okay first of all most we've got IT band syndrome which we've discovered which we've discovered we've covered in a previous video and that's going to be pain down the side of the thigh here the upper leg from around about the hip level up here running down through this region here the next one is going to be runner's knee commonly called jumpers knee in younger children particularly active teenagers might find it resulting in osgood schlatters of the knee but it's down here on the front in front of the kneecap or around the knee joint and that's excessive pressure going through the quads tendons and then pulling between the patella and in the lower leg right down here okay particularly aggravated by the act of running and you yet obtained on the front of the knee watch out if you've got this between going for a long run then sitting in a chair with your legs at right angles for a long period of time so she's gonna pull that patellar straight back onto the front of your of your upper leg the femur and that's not going to be a pleasant experience when you're going stand up so try and avoid that next one is going to be shin splints which can then progress on to compartment syndrome and/or tibial plateau fractures as well and this is in the lower leg it's on the inside of the lower leg on the front of the spine of the tibia that's the bony bit on the front of your shin reason that we wear shin pads when were playing football cause it hurts a lot and that's your calves as they wrap around the front on the inside they plug into that bone there and repetitive stress and pulling you literally pull the skin off the bone and cause a lot of pain in runners o that on that inside of the shin there overtime if it's progressive and not dealt with it can progressed on to things like compartment syndrome which are a little bit more serious you sometimes see the consequences where you have to actually open the fascia out which is a surgical intervention and that's gonna be in this region here then we move on to the back of the legs we've got the Achilles tendon we cover this in a previous video such as achilles tendonitis ironically those last two that we've covered the Achilles tendinitis and then shin splints etc those all are really quite closely related is the same sort of area that's being affected or group of muscles and tendons that are being affected you're going to find it very difficult walking it's going to give you pain in the back of the heel it can be rather uncomfortable when you've got the achilles tendonitis do not make the mistake of just trying to stretch it out more that will not work we work on to the muscle higher up this is the back of the thigh here these are the two bellies of the calf muscle the gastrocnemius muscles and then underneath there we've got soleus do some work into here even though the pain is a little bit lower down in the actual Achilles tendon itself on the back of the heel that will be tremendously of more benefit to you than actually doing the work down into that Achilles put some ice on here five minutes or so a couple of times a day that'll help a lot more finally we get to the hamstring problem it's basically pain on the back of your thigh you might have strain this during a particularly rigorous run or you haven't warmed up or cool down properly and that's gonna give you that pain that muscular pain in the back of the thigh and when you're trying to drive through the back off the back leg as you drives drive your body forwards by driving backwards that's gonna give you a lot of pain in the hamstring they're very very proprioceptive often a little bit weaker than the quads on the front balance wise so that's the last place you're likely to get an injury.
#MarathonRunningInjuries #HowToAvoidRunningInjuries #RunningPain