
Canada Changes Laws To Restrict Asylum Seekers Shaming Nancy Pelosi Into Working With Trump

Canada Changes Laws To Restrict Asylum Seekers Shaming Nancy Pelosi Into Working With Trump Canada just shamed Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democratic party into working with Trump to solve the border crisis.

Or should shame, these are politicians remember, but they would be wise to pay attention to our northern neighbors for sheer political survival.

We have a crisis – forget who caused it or who is at fault for not solving it for all these years, it is time to fix it together.

Look, it is spilling over into Canada so they took action. If they wanted to, the politicians in Washington could solve this problem…even Canada has found a way.

From the BBC Canada intends to change the law to make it harder for asylum seekers rejected by countries like the US to file refugee claims at the border.

The move comes as thousands of asylum seekers have crossed the border after their claims were rejected in the US.

Amendments were introduced on Monday evening in the Liberal government’s 392-page omnibus budget bill.

An influx of asylum seekers crossing at the US-Canada border has become a hot button political issue.

The law would allow immigration officers at the border to reject refugee claims if the asylum seeker has already made a claim in another country that has an immigration information-sharing agreement with Canada.

These countries include the US, UK, Australia and New Zealand.

The asylum seeker would no longer be entitled to an oral hearing and the claim could not be appealed to an independent tribunal.

Instead, denied claimants would have the right to submit a written, pre-removal risk assessment, which lawyer Kevin Wiener says has about a 3% success rate.

“I expect this to be a major change for Canada’s refugee system and I’m surprised to see it buried in a budget bill,” he told the BBC in an email.

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