
Innovation // Cross-disciplinary Webinar Series // Part 3 - Sport Mega Events and Social Innovation

Innovation // Cross-disciplinary Webinar Series // Part 3 - Sport Mega Events and Social Innovation Part three of a three part series focused on the topic of "innovation - the good, the bad and the game changing".

This series continues the Society's cross-disciplinary, knowledge sharing, expert led webinars designed to provide good practice case studies and insight into key topics from a range of sectors - providing different perspectives, but all with the goal of protecting and enhancing our environment.

Part three comprises of two Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) speakers - experts in their relevant fields of sporting mega-events and social innovation. David Stubbs CEnv draws from his experience as Head of Sustainability at the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and other such mega-events to give an insight into how these events can drive sustainability and innovation in the wider world. In addition, we welcome Dr Karen Lee to discuss the fascinating topic of social innovation, with case studies from Hong Kong and beyond. Karen is our first webinar speaker joining us from outside of the UK - highlighting the international registrant base.

Each CEnv provides a twenty minute insight into their sub-topic, followed by participating in a question and answer session with the live webinar audience to conclude.

David Stubbs CEnv - Director @ Sustainability Experts Ltd

Dr Karen Lee CEnv - Expert in policy research in sustainable development and environmental management; and environmental impact assessment

Further reading from David's presentation:

- Volvo Ocean race 2017/18 Sustainability Report

- London 2012 learning legacy – archive

- International Olympic Committee – sustainability pages

- Tokyo 2020 Sustainability Progress Report

- Green Sports Alliance (USA)

GEO Foundation

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Previous and future webinars:

Webinars@SocEnv // A Society for the Environment webinar series.

sustainable sport,sport,mega events,social innovation,innovation,environment innovation,environment,CEnv,Chartered,Chartered Environmentalist,webinar,experts,London 2012,Sustainability Experts,Sustainable Development Goals,SDGs,London Olympics,Olympic Games,Games Makers,

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