A Persian poet, Sufi, theoretician of mysticism and hagiographer, was born in Nishapur (Nīšāpūr), a city in the northeast region of Iran.
Attar is one of the most famous mystic poets of Iran. His works were the inspiration of Rumi and many other mystic poets. `Attar, along with Sanai were two of the greatest influences on Rumi in his Sufi views.
Fariduddin Attar's Mantiq-ut-Tair widely known as 'The Conference of the Birds' or the 'Colloquy of the Birds' is considered to his best work. It was written about eight centuries ago. It is an allegorical poem in which this gated Sufi describes the quest of the Birds (symbolizing Sufi pilgrims ) to reach the Simurg (the Lord of Creation).
Rumi has mentioned both of them with the highest esteem several times in his poetry.
Rumi praises `Attar as follows:
Attar has roamed through the seven cities of love, while we have barely turned down the first street...
Treasured Quotes. Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani
Wise Words. ~ Al ghazali
Priceless Quotes. ~ Shams Tabrezi
Don't be sad. ~Rumi
Path of love. ~Rumi
Embrace the power of silence. ~Rumi
Get rid of yourself. ~Rumi
Journey Within. ~Rumi
Listen to Your Heart. ~Rumi
Healing Quotes. ~Rumi
No Expectations. ~Rumi
Be Melting Snow. ~Rumi
The home we seek. ~Attar
Rabia Al Basri Poetry