Dadvice TV breaks this all down and offers solutions for kidney disease patients to help maintain their daily sodium limits. Managing High Blood Pressure is important for kidney disease patients and part of controlling it is limiting sodium intake.
To learn more about the steps DadviceTV used in fighting and beating Chronic Kidney Disease, visit and join my Facebook group
#DadviceTV #KidneyHealth #KidneyDisease #kidney #KidneyMonth #Renal #KidneyFailure #FightCKD
Kidney Health – When your kidneys are healthy, they remove waste and excess toxins from your blood. Kidney health is also important in regulating blood pressure and building strong bones.
When you have Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) your kidney disease directly impact your kidney function, reducing how well they remove toxins and waste from your blood. Patients with kidney disease also have difficulty controlling their blood pressure since it is one of the functions of a healthy kidney.
By not following a healthy kidney diet, you will eventually end up with end stage renal failure, also known as stage 5 kidney disease. At that point your kidney disease diet will become extremely strict and you will need to consider dialysis to stay alive. Dialysis does not duplicate all of the kidney function and it is hard on your body as it uses machines to detox your kidneys and remove waste and toxins from your blood. Dialysis is very tough on your body.
To prevent Kidney failure, follow your kidney doctor and kidney dieticians recommended renal diet. Renal diet is the medical term for kidney diet. There are foods to avoid with kidney disease that when eaten can damage your kidneys. You want to focus more on the foods that are kidney friendly and help with naturally detoxing your kidneys. A natural kidney cleanse is considered one of several home remedies for kidney disease, but it is not a natural cure. There is no natural cure or medical cure for Kidney Disease. But it is possible to improve your kidney function and increase your GFR through the proper kidney diet.
Some important things to limit or avoid on ALL kidney diets are sodium (slat), phosphate, potassium, carbohydrates (sugar), and protein. It is also good for your kidneys and overall health to avoid artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, artificial preservatives, and highly processed foods.
If you have Chronic Kidney Disease you also must manage your blood sugar levels (diabetes) and high blood pressure (hypertension) very closely. Uncontrolled diabetes or high blood pressure can damage your kidneys, reduce kidney function, and increase toxins and waste in your blood. They also put additional stress on your kidneys, causing inflammation that reduces kidney function and lowers your GFR.
If you are looking on how to improve kidney health and kidney function, subscribe to DadviceTV. DadviceTV was created by an actual Chronic Kidney Disease survivor. Diagnosed at Kidney Disease stage 5, DadviceTV was told he needed dialysis immediately or would be dead within 45 days. DadviceTV did research while in the hospital and discovered there were other options – he could fight chronic kidney disease. He was given 2 months to see if he could improve, with weekly twice check-ins with his doctors. Over the next 9 weeks DadviceTV maintained a strict kidney diet designed specially to improve his kidney health. At the end of the 9 week kidney diet DadviceTVs Kidney function had over doubled. DadviceTV continued to fight and beat kidney disease, sharing knowledge through, YouTube and Facebook. DadviceTV has inspired others to educate themselves on Kidney Disease, fight kidney disease, and inspire even more to not give up. Join DadviceTV and learn how you can prevent kidney disease, how to prevent kidney failure, and how to improve kidney function naturally.