
When You Don’t Get the Birth You Wanted: Unplanned C-Section, Postpartum Depression & More: Part 1

When You Don’t Get the Birth You Wanted: Unplanned C-Section, Postpartum Depression & More: Part 1 Time to switch it up! Haley is here from Naples, Florida to share about her first birth, which wasn’t at all what she had hoped or dreamed of. From an epidural that didn’t work, to ultimately an unplanned and unwanted cesarean birth, Haley is raw and vulnerable as she recounts the story as well as how ultimately her birth trauma contributed to her having postpartum depression. We talk about what she would change, what she felt she was lacking, and all about postpartum depression - what it is, could look like and how she recovered. I think there is value in learning from other people’s stories, but that it’s also valuable to not only hear the story but discuss how we can learn from the hard stories, offer perspective and de-stigmatize particularly anything “mental health” related. Her story is her own, it will not be yours. The goal would be finding the fruit for others Then, in part 2 (soon!), she tells of how she set herself up for and eventually had a transformative, healthy, happy birth memory - even though BOTH were cesarean births! This is just touching the tip of the iceberg related to the conversation on postpartum mood. Have other questions or comments? Comment below!

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Check out my Amazon storefront! Product suggestions for your labor, birth, parenting and life:

I'm based in Los Angeles, CA and offer private childbirth education classes and labor support to families here! Hit me up!

Are you in or near Naples, Florida? Check Haley out! She offers private childbirth classes and labor support in your area!!

"Don't stress, I'm here for you. Let's make your birth the happiest day of your life." - Sarah
Tag your photos and stay connected! #bundlebirth #bundlebirthbaby

Some online resources for you related to postpartum depression:

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Disclaimer: all information shared in this video is framed through the lens of birth in North America and for educational purposes only. It is never to replace the advice of your doctor or midwife. Make sure to check with them before you try anything suggested in my videos and if you have any further questions. I do not give out medical advice.

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