
How To Navigate An Enterprise SaaS Deal | Dan Martell

How To Navigate An Enterprise SaaS Deal | Dan Martell Are you ready to start selling your software to enterprise clients? In this video, I'm going to share with you the framework that I've used to structure and navigate enterprise SaaS deals like a pro.

DOWNLOAD: The Rocket Demo Builder™ - Never give a boring software demo again and close up to TWICE as many deals by this time next week -


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I was 24 when I closed my first enterprise level SaaS deal.

I had recently started Spheric Technologies and decided to go straight to the heavy hitters.

We’re talking Fortune 500 companies like Johnson & Johnson, American Express and Procter & Gamble.

(guess the JFDI ethos was alive and well) ;-)

And while I had an amazing team of coaches and mentors around me (and an endless supply of Grade A boldness) to carry me through those early deals, they were FAR from smooth.

But over a decade (and tens of millions in enterprise deals under my belt) later, I’ve refined my process into a simple 5-step system for navigating and eventually closing a high value enterprise deal.

While the intrinsic complexities and long sales cycles still aren’t for the faint of heart, this week’s episode will show you the most effective strategy for bringing clarity to the sales process while cutting down on sales cycles and frustration.

At a high level, the process comes down to:

1. Get multi-threaded
2. Virtual close
3. Move metric
4. Face to face
5. Ask for a POC

While each step is absolutely critical, nothing matters unless you can peg your solution against your prospect’s “Move Metric”.

Meaning, even if you do everything else right, there’s no deal to be had unless the outcome your solution provides can be linked directly to a priority metric on your prospect’s strategic roadmap.

It’s your job to both UNCOVER that move metric as early on as possible -- and continuously remind all stakeholders how your solution specifically moves that needle forward better than anything else they might be evaluating.

Once again, navigating enterprise deals is an entirely different beast… but one that as a founder you NEED to be prepared to engage in when the right opp shows up.

Watch the full episode here and then drop me a comment letting me know your biggest challenges or concerns when it comes to locking down high value enterprise contracts.

Dan “hitting with the heavyweights” Martell

Don't forget to share this entrepreneurial advice with your friends, so they can learn too:


“You can only keep what you give away.” That’s the mantra that’s shaped Dan Martell from a struggling 20-something business owner in the Canadian Maritimes (which is waaay out east) to a successful startup founder who’s raised more than $3 million in venture funding and exited not one... not two... but three tech businesses:, Spheric and Flowtown.

You can only keep what you give away. That philosophy has led Dan to invest in 33+ early stage startups such as Udemy, Intercom, Unbounce and Foodspotting. It’s also helped him shape the future of Hootsuite as an advisor to the social media tour de force.

An activator, a tech geek, an adrenaline junkie and, yes, a romantic (ask his wife Renee), Dan has recently turned his attention to teaching startups a fundamental, little-discussed lesson that directly impacts their growth: how to scale. You’ll find not only incredible insights in every moment of every talk Dan gives - but also highly actionable takeaways that will propel your business forward. Because Dan gives freely of all that he knows. After all, you can only keep what you give away.

DOWNLOAD: The Rocket Demo Builder™ - Never give a boring software demo again and close up to TWICE as many deals by this time next week -

Enterprise Deal,Enterprise SaaS Agreement,Enterprise Sales,Enterprise Software,Reduce Sales Cycle,Multi-Threaded,Technical Buyer,Economic Buyer,Deploy Enterprise Software,Virtual Close,Buying Process,Security Audit,Move Metric,'Key Internal Metric,Face to Face,Proof Of Concept,Dan Martell,

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