Hey guys so this is a topic that has really been weighing on my heart recently. I know this is far from the stuff that I usually post, but I felt that it is important to use what platform and voice that I do have to address something as serious as this. I am not trying to be rude, accuse, or trash on any of these brands or youtubers. My entire goal for this video is just to bring awareness to the lack of diversity within the youtube community as I know that there are many who are feeling the same way (misrepresented and misunderstood). Please feel free to comment on this video your opinion revolving around this issue, I'll be replying to as many as possible!
LINKS: Annie's video: Keisha's video: Video's I got info from:
Vereena's video: Daniella's video:
annie long,itskeisha,dote,dotechella,where is the DIVERSITY on YouTube,Diversity on youtube,