
Where's Pompeo? A mission of peace? Of course not!

Where's Pompeo? A mission of peace? Of course not! The missing Secretary of State has turned up in Iraq to rattle sabres and threaten Iran. I had previously guessed that he might be on a mission to Moscow in order to patch fences after forking up our foreign policy with the Russians for the past two years.

How illogical of me. The Neocons are still in charge and fat Mike would never go off to seek peace with the Russians. Instead, he snubbed the Germans and rushed off to Iraq, so as to threaten Iran with one of our big bad aircraft carriers.

Trump,POTUS,President Trump,Mike Pompeo,Secretary of State,Lavrov,Putin,Moscow,St. Petersburg,Finland,Arctic Conference,Iraq,Iran,Strait of Hormuz,Persian Gulf,USS Abraham Lincoln,Aircraft Carrier,Tehran,Baghdad,carrier task force,Saudi Arabia,Israel,Jerusalem,Netanyahu,Syria,Assad,Qatar,Naval Task Force,Mediterranean,Suez Canal,news,breaking news,foreign policy,Foggy Bottom,State Department,

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