
UPDATE: 1 WEEK: Scalp Fungal Infection

UPDATE: 1 WEEK: Scalp Fungal Infection First of all, I just want to thank you guys so very much for all the messages/suggestions/pictures & your own personal stories. I'm honestly so shocked to see how common this is.

Anyway, it's been about a week since I first posted about this. Since then, her hair has continued to fall out around that area as the inflammation went down, so thats a good thing. I'm not so much worried about her hair as i am about her scalp & also I am unable to do anything with her hair as far as styling because she won't let me because it really hurts her.

I am still very much worried about her and doing everything i can to fix this so please guys continue to send your suggestions and ideas because I'm still open to trying new things. I've been using Tea tree Oil as well as pure coconut oil on her scalp daily

FYI: The prescription/medicine is called Griseofulvin...... So if you guys are familiar with that or have more info on it that I do, I would love to hear it.


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