In the white light of the Full Moon lie all the colours of the rainbow softened by the feminine. In the Full Moon Meditation, we breathe in specific colours or Moon Rays into our womb energy centre to bring healing, and support and balance to our wombs, our female energies, to our cycles and to our changes in life.
June the color we are receiving is: Orange
The Moon Ray of Orange holds the energy of acceptance, of attraction and of coming together in families and communities. When we breathe this ray into our womb we generate emotional warmth and joy and a deep sense of belonging. And our energised womb attracts others to us of a similar energy to build new female heart- and womb-centred communities across the world. (I strongly recommend this Ray to all Moon Mothers and to everyone).
About the Full Moon Meditation:
At each Full Moon, we have the opportunity to receive a beautiful, gentle and enfolding gift of female energy that supports our femininity. It is available for all who resonate with the meditation whatever their physical condition or age. And it also supports our awakening and transformations as we walk the annual path of Worldwide Womb Blessings.
To take part you can follow the guided meditation on the video or download the pdf of the meditation here:
This video was made and guided by Moon Mother Vanessa Castro.
Email: vanessa@vanessa.cr