
Looking to Achieve an AIDS-free Generation, Tanzania Rolls Out NIMART 10 04 18

Looking to Achieve an AIDS-free Generation, Tanzania Rolls Out NIMART 10 04 18

NIMART — nurse initiated management of antiretroviral therapy — is a game-changer in Tanzania’s efforts to control its HIV epidemic and achieve the global 95-95-95 targets.
“Nurses being empowered to initiate and manage ART in Tanzania is a kind of revolution geared toward ensuring we expand access to HIV services and attain AIDS epidemic control by 2020,” Deputy Minister of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly, and Children, Dr. Faustine Ndugulile, explained at the national NIMART roll-out in Njombe on October 4, 2018.
For all Tanzanians, particularly those who live in remote and underserved areas, NIMART isn’t just a game-changer. It’s paving the way for greatly improved access to quality HIV treatment and care services and saving people’s lives.

HIV/AIDS,95-95-95,Tanzania,Antiretroviral Therapy,ART,Nurses,NIMART,AIHA,PEPFAR,

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