
Crush Your First Week of Law School and Set Yourself Apart From Your Classmates

Crush Your First Week of Law School and Set Yourself Apart From Your Classmates Download the Ultimate Guide to Crushing Finals at:

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The first week of law school can seem completely overwhelming.
Just take a step back and realize that it's all going to be okay.
Everyone feels overwhelmed. You're thrown into a situation that you've never been in before. You're learning about subjects that you didn't know existed. It's probably going over your head. You probably feel stressed out, you might be a little freaked out, that's okay, everyone feels that way. But let's talk about all the dos and don'ts of your first week of law school. Everything you can do to maximize your chances of success later on and everything you can do to minimize your stress in the present.

★ You should understand that the way that law school is taught is completely backwards. You learn the most antiquated arcane cases early on in the semester and there is very little chance that any of those cases will be used on the final exam.

★ The second thing to realize is that a lot of the information that your school is going to give you is bad.

★ Don’t try to do everything.

★ Start outlining.

★ Learn to write an issue spotting exam and spot all the issues.

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