
'EU TAKEN HOSTAGE!' Impatient Brussels sets out terms of May's Brexit delay

'EU TAKEN HOSTAGE!' Impatient Brussels sets out terms of May's Brexit delay 'EU TAKEN HOSTAGE!' Impatient Brussels sets out terms of May's Brexit delay

EU chiefs today revealed they will support efforts by Britain to delay Brexit in order to avoid a no-deal divorce but only under their tough rules.

Spanish prime minister Pedro Sanchez said he would not stand in the way of a British request to extend the EU’s Article 50 exit clause. He warned Theresa May, who yesterday announced her intentions to hold a parliamentary vote on a delay, that she would need to provide a plan to resolve the solution before receiving the backing of EU leaders. But calls from across the bloc have been made for any extension to be strictly limited in order to not interfere with May’s European Parliament elections.

Speaking in the Spanish parliament, Mr Sanchez said: “The position of Spain, as I have conveyed to Prime Minister Theresa May in different telephone conversations, is the same: it is not possible to temporarily limit the backstop or to allow a unilateral exit from it.

“Due to its nature as a security mechanism, it is not possible to set a term for it. It is not only a matter of solidarity with one of our partners, Ireland, but also of preserving the peace that was achieved in Northern Ireland decades ago.

“It can not be ruled out that the British PM requests an extension of Article 50 of the EU treaty as she said yesterday. And I want to make clear before this possible position of the British government, that although Spain is not going to oppose the concession of an eventual extension, it must have a certain perspective of resolution.

“Prolonging uncertainty by postponing deadlines is not a reasonable nor desirable alternative.”

French President Emmanuel Macron said he would be prepared to vote against any Brexit delay unless Mrs May sets out her "clear objectives".

He said: "We would support an extension request only if it was justified by a new choice of the British.

"But we would in no way accept an extension without a clear objective."

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said: "“We are absolutely in agreement, and I have talked to Theresa May about this in Sharm el-Sheik a couple of days ago, the exit agreement is valid.

"If Great Britain needs more time we will not oppose it but of course we are seeking an orderly exit. We regret this step, but it is reality and we now have to find a good solution.”

Jacek Czaputowicz, the Polish foreign minister, said Warsaw would support delaying Britain’s EU breakup "if it helps work out a better position”.

Guy Verhofstadt, the EU Parliament’s Brexit co-ordinator, called for any extension to be strictly limited in time.

He said: “If the UK Parliament rejects her deal, Theresa May would like to extend the negotiation period.

“In my firm opinion, if this happens, this can never be longer than a couple of months so that a cross-party majority can be found.

“But certainly not 21 months! The Union has been taken hostage by the Brexit already for too long. The UK has had almost two years to make up its mind, now it is time to decide: A deal, no deal or stay.

“For the Union it is high time that we can spend our energy on more positive projects and the in depth reforms Europe desperately needs."

Addressing the Commons yesterday, Mrs May announced the next meaningful vote will be held on March 12 and set out the next steps if her deal is once again crushed by MPs.

If the Brexit deal falls, MPs the following day will be asked if they support a no-deal Brexit. If MPs cannot form a majority for leaving the EU without an agreement, they will then be asked to vote on a Government motion on “whether Parliament wants to seek a short, limited extension to Article 50”.

Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, insisted that a no-deal Brexit is a “possibility but not a probability” after the Prime Minister’s Commons speech.

He said: “It is not accurate to say that the no deal is the most likely scenario. It's a possibility.

"The no deal is not my option, but it is a risk that gets worse, as the days go by and we get closer to March 30, the date chosen by the British to leave because they did not approve the negotiated agreement."

'EU TAKEN HOSTAGE!' Impatient Brussels sets out terms of May's Brexit delay,Spanish prime minister Pedro Sanchez said he would not stand in the,EU chiefs today revealed they will support efforts by Britain to delay,Brexit in order to avoid a no-deal divorce but only under their tough rules,as I have conveyed to Prime Minister Theresa May in different telephone,ut calls from across the bloc have been made for any extension to be,

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