
God Jehovah Yeshua's Message concerning persecution

God Jehovah Yeshua's Message concerning persecution Matthew 24:25
Behold, I have told you before.

27 February 2019
Psalm 24:7-10
Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD Mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah.

Please take this Message directly to Papa God Yahweh, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and in King Yeshua’s Mighty Name and ask Forever Father God if this is from King Yeshua Ha Mashiach.

Daughter, this is your glorious King Yeshua, your Hiding Place and your Confidante. The One Who has you in every which way you know not. I AM the Everlasting One, The Eternal God Jehovah Yahweh Yeshua. This will be a hard Word to write for your Yeshua King. WendiLee has been frightened of not doing a good job in My Father’s Online Ministry. However, I, King Yeshua just reminded her how busy and faithful she has been in My Father’s other ministry He has placed her in. God knows what you can and cannot handle. I will never give you more. WendiLee has been given My Words to write to My Children for many years now. She has poured her heart into every Message My Father and I have given her, faithfully. I AM tried and true. I AM the One Who will always be, I have not never been, for I AM has always been. I, King Yeshua must send the rain and fire mixed with blood, for I want My Kids, My dazed and confused ones, to put their hope and trust in Me completely. I AM knows who are Mine. I AM knows that I will have to bring great upheaval to open their eyes. They are Mine, for they believe upon Me, Yeshua of Nazareth, and I have given them the gift of My Eternal Blood and Sacrifice of My Cross. They will be caught unawares. Much will take place that My Church would never think. Beware of those who say you will be rescued before the sudden destruction comes. I tell you, I, King Yeshua, does not know My Father God Yahweh’s timing to send Me for My First Fruits or My Bride, but I do know timeframes and seasons that will come to pass, for I AM has spoken it. I chose this, My True Bride, those that have ears to hear and eyes to see. I model this as My Chosen Jewish people marry their brides - there is an undetermined day when the father tells the son to go and get his bride. This is of My choosing, for I AM God Jehovah. I live by My God, My Father Jehovah Yahweh! We are One, and We are separate Beings. Children, be ready to be persecuted for My Name’s sake. Can you not see My signature handwriting from My Holy Word? satan cannot stand My Holy Children, this is nothing new, for he has always attacked what belongs to Me, as My Father has allowed. When they begin to create lawlessness in the laws, they will come after those who love Me. Please read Hebrews Chapter 11. The world will not be worthy of My Persecuted and My Martyrs. When you begin to see this come to pass, do not be afraid. For I AM is with you. You have My Holy Word written in your heart. I will get you through your persecution. Do you not remember Stephen? If you need to have a reminder, read My Book of Acts. My Church was young, and it was strong by its persecution. Remember, I AM will not let the flame kindle upon you. Some of My Children know and are prepared by Me. Some don’t want to know and will greatly need Me and I will be there for them. I AM can and will supernaturally protect you; My Own. I AM has all My Promises written to you in My Holy Word. Read My Word. I have not said that My Church will not suffer. This world is dying and My Children will be rising up in My Great Army. Get ready and seek Me, Your Mighty Lord of Sabaoth, take off your shoes and stand upon My Holy Ground. Are you ready to proclaim Me till your death? I know who are Mine, and I will not lose a single one.

I AM has sealed and highly anointed this Message. Take heed, My Chosen Bride. Do not listen to anyone but Me. I tell you persecution is coming. Hold tightly to Me, and we will fly.

Your hovering and ever so protective King Yeshua Ha Mashiach has spoken.

All of King Yeshua’s Love.

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