
Agency banking | Solving financial inclusion in Africa |Jisort mobile app

Agency banking | Solving financial inclusion in Africa |Jisort mobile app A banking agent is a retail or postal outlet contracted by a financial institution or a mobile network operator to process clients’ transactions. Rather than a branch teller, it is the owner or an employee of the retail outlet who conducts the transaction and lets clients deposit, withdraw, and transfer funds, pay their bills, inquire about an account balance, or receive government benefits or a direct deposit from their employer. Banking agents can be pharmacies, supermarkets, convenience stores, lottery outlets, post offices, and many more.

Several financial institutions including SACCOs, Microfinance Institutions, MFIs, Welfare Groups, Banks, Community Banks, Credit Unions, Lending Companies, and Chama, are using Jisort to manage their operations. Some of them are lending and offering financial solution exclusively on Jisort.

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