
Amber Rudd says Theresa May's deal is better than alternatives

Amber Rudd says Theresa May's deal is better than alternatives The Prime Minister (pictured yesterday) agreed to demands from Brexiteers, including her former Foreign Secretary Mr Johnson (main picture today), that she step down in return for their support for her Brexit plan that must pass by Friday if the UK is to leave the EU by May 22. But it may all have been in vain for Mrs May because the DUP refused to fall in behind the Prime Minister last night, and if they cannot be brought onside in the coming hours the country will plunge into further chaos. And Boris, who threw himself behind the Prime Minister’s Withdrawal Agreement despite repeatedly trashing it as 'an appalling humiliation' and a 'historic mistake', has now told friends the deal 'is dead anyway'. Mrs May said yesterday she would quit when she delivers Brexit - but with a general election or a long Brexit extension now the most likely outcome Mr Johnson is set to demand she honours her commitment to go even if her deal fails, sparking a leadership election (favourite Michael Gove right today). The PM also faces opposition to her deal from up to 25 hardcore Brexiteer Spartans who still refuse to back her deal, leaving her needing to win over up to 30 Tory rebels. Brexiteer Mark Francois said today: 'I wouldn't vote for it if they put a shotgun in my mouth. I am not voting for the deal on the basis of who is or is not the Prime Minister'. Commons Leader Andrea Leadsom has now confirmed a third vote on her deal will be brought forward by the Government for tomorrow, which was meant to be Brexit day.

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