

Delight! Sunday Pastor Jake spoke on delighting in the Lord. We've been talking alot about the sabbath, rest, peace. We all need time to rest and regroup. Wether that be mentally, physically and even spiritually. Yet in all things we do, do them to the God who gave us the ability to do so. So delight in God monday morning, Friday night, Sunday Church. Delight in Him at meal times, nap times, work, play and all we do. If we would take God with us into our marriages, families, jobsites, work places and leisure times. Then we will be more at peace in all those areas. Love u all and take time to bring Him with us into all those areas. I made it through today off that pumped up sermon. That's where we should be shouting and cheering, not football and basketball games but the congregations for the word Sunday mornings! Hoop and hollar for that, get pumped up people. They bring the fire so we dont have to experience it in eternity. Be encouraged, stay strong and trust in Christ, He will see us through this life.
Sometimes I see the world and I lusf for their things but then I see the Lord and I trust in the king. Trust that and find our rest!


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