
Eagle Country LIVE Nest Cam

Eagle Country LIVE Nest Cam Hello, all! We are having tech/stream difficulties and we are working to remedy them! Thanks for understanding!

If you enjoy watching Nicholas, Victoria, Dandy and Spur, would you consider helping us “keep the cams rolling?” We stepped out on a limb with these guys and are endeavoring to keep things at a quality level you would appreciate. But, we really need your help! You can give here:

For those who prefer to send a check, please send to:

Eagle Country
5317 Fruitville Road
Suite 46
Sarasota, FL 34232

Dandy & Spur thank you!


First Eaglet Hatch - Dandy - 3.6.19
Watch vid here:
Dandy is short for Dandelion - because (s)he looked like one!

Second Eaglet Hatch - Spur - 3.8.19
Watch vid here:
Spur is short for Sandspur - since we're in FL!

Victoria Lays SECOND EGG - 1.31.19 at 2:59
Watch vid here:

Victoria Lays FIRST EGG - 1.28.19 at 3:23ish
Watch vid here:


Two Eagles, Two Storms and Two Choices

Victoria and Nicholas, two American bald eagles, have a story of hope in the midst of life’s storms, literally! These two eagles, whose nest has been in our family’s back pasture for over 16 years, have felt the fury of life’s storms, twice!

The first storm was Hurricane Irma, a Category 5 storm with winds topping 185 mph in some areas, left a wake of destruction in its path. Homes were destroyed by the hundreds and millions were left without power. Nicholas and Victoria also felt the wrath of Irma as the storm toppled both their nest and the tree that was home. The storm destroyed their dwelling but not their strength of heart. They had a choice to make and we wondered if they would choose another location in which to build. We were overjoyed when we discovered they had started rebuilding in the tree next to their old nest, immediately! Their tenacity was a sight to behold, and before the season was over, their new home was rebuilt and well established. We were so encouraged with their perseverance that we put up two nest cameras (during off season) to share their story with others, and what a story it has been.

Fast forward to Friday, December 21, 2018, when an unnamed storm, unexpected and unseasonable, blew through our area with pounding rain and ferocious winds. Sadly, just a year and a half later, their nest was blown to the ground in pieces again!. We wondered if they would relocate, but this was Nicholas and Victoria. The very next day they began to rebuild! And even in the midst of their rebuilding, intruders have come and they have had to fight for their place. We know this because the cameras we placed after Irma were not destroyed and we are able to watch this incredible story continue, and now, so can you.

This pair of eagles have been an inspiration to us all. Their tenacity and their courage have given great hope in the midst of our own storms. Many folks have lost so much in these recent months, to fire, hurricanes, and tragedy. It is our prayer that the God-given instinct of Nicholas and Victoria to rebuild would encourage us all. We can’t determine when the storm will hit, but we can choose to rebuild! Nicholas and Victoria are showing us how!

We hope you enjoy their continuing story.

~Some Facts About Eagle Country~

This eagle’s nest is located on private property, which is also a working cattle ranch, near a large state park in southwest Florida. The river in the park serves as a great food source for the eagles.

We currently have two cameras, one close to the nest and the other about 60 feet away for a broader view. Also, because this is a ranch, you may hear cows, dogs, sandhill cranes and a variety of other Florida birds in the background.

A working ranch has many daily responsibilities, but we will attempt to join you in chats when we can. We do read through all of the comments and appreciate your encouragement and input. We will also do our best to keep our system running smoothly for you.

We have endeavored to adhere to the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission’s guidelines in this project. It is because of their recommendation that we do not specifically disclose the nest’s location.

We’ll be posting highlights and clips of the all the action at Eagle Country. We are excited for all the adventures of Nic & Vic

eagle cam,nest cam,eagle country,florida,

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