
Essay on Narcississm Around the Globe

Essay on Narcississm Around the Globe Sneak Peak at the Essay. Deeply saddened to know that even some of my favorite teachers were out to embarass or bring me down in highschool. I guess I will have to do better in life to not act out the mindset too much, but again, reacting to socially akward narcissism with corrupt, morally wrong, unethical narcississm in my opinion is far worse. Here is the portion of the essay that made my friend shed a tear. I hope you enjoy

Many people in the mafia learn how to lie at a much younger age than most people. This is because most people lie for the first time to someone else other than a parent because they love their parents. So at a young age their parent may give them a task or have an expectation that is not within their ability.
Most of the time this is an expectation that only a very low percentage of children can accomplish at this age, however it is not entirely unreasonable that it could be possible that their child could complete the task if they worked harder. So once they fail to meet their parents expectation, they usually are either screamed at or beaten.
After this traumatic experience, they again are given an unreasonable task or expectation. Many mafia men then overcompensate by lying and cheating in a manner that allows them to succeed in a way that is impossible for any normal man. Their parents usually have a suspicion of their behavior, but fail to say anything because their parents truly view success and accomplishments as the end all be all (Jon Goddi). However, if they have parents who are somewhat smarter, they can tell when their kid lies and cheats so they beat or verbally abuse the child when they lie or cheat. This teaches the child to lie and in a manner that gives them a much more reasonable level of success. Most mafia people only speak about this lifestyle to people in the mafia. Their reasoning is that they cannot trust anyone outside of the family with highly illegal information. This is a logical explanation, however the psychological reasoning may make more sense. A mafioso’s biggest fear is that if they legitimately tried their absolute hardest they would be an absolute shame and embarrassment to their family by achieving only a mid grade level of success as a working class citizen; unable to move up through the ranks and achieve a high level of success by simplying just trying their best (this is because of their memory of trying their best as a child and engraining into them a feeling as though they had to lie or cheat just to survive). Most parents are proud of their son nonetheless, the parents of the mafioso would be deeply ashamed of a middle class average joe or a criminal. Because of this, they appear to the public and their real family as legitimate. They want their parents to be proud of them so badly that many of them learn to lie even as young as 3 or 4 because the verbal or physical abuse is too much to handle. This also subconsciously teaches them that the only way to make their parents love them is to lie and cheat. They become very good at lying and cheating in this manner, and because they are so talented at lying and cheating in such a way to convincingly trick their parents into believing that they met the expectation. They continue this pattern in school and mafia men who were beaten often use violence or the threat of violence to manipulate others. Then when they are an adult they lie and cheat their way through the system using the mafia. They view the average working man as a sucker claiming that it is impossible to even try to work your way up the system in a legitimate manner. The people they hate the most are legitimate people who are actually just talented enough to get to the top without cheating.


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