
Is Spirit Cooking Real? We Report - You Decide!

Is Spirit Cooking Real? We Report - You Decide! Is Spirit Cooking Real? We Report - You Decide!

WARNING: If you are the queasy type, or think you might not want to read this at work, don’t continue. None of the body parts are real they are all simulated.

So WTF is ‘spirit cooking,’ and why is it trending?

Spirit cooking refers to "a sacrament in the religion of Thelema which was founded by Aleister Crowley" and involves an occult performance during which menstrual blood, breast milk, urine and sperm are used to create a "painting".

Report: Clinton Linked to Satanic Rituals Involving Kidnapped Children and Marina Abramovic

In November 2016, social media was abuzz with rumors connecting Hillary Clinton and her presidential campaign chairman John Podesta to an alleged satanic ritual known as “spirit cooking.” The rumors started circulating shortly after the Twitter account for WikiLeaks directed people to an e-mail allegedly sent from Podesta’s brother Tony which mentioned “spirit cooking” and a video showing a performance by artist Marina Abramovic:

As conspiracy theories started to swirl about Clinton’s alleged connection to the “satanic practice,” alt-right figure Paul Joseph Watson published a video entitled “Hillary Tied to Bizarre Occult “Spirit Cooking” Ritual”:

Dear Tony, I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining? All my love, Marina

Just when you thought nothing about 2016 could get weirder … it just did. This morning the term ‘spirit cooking’ is trending on Twitter. What is the term, why is it trending, and what does it have to do with the election? Let me try and explain.

First, the term ‘spirit cooking’ surfaced in a WikiLeaks email dump, which included an email from Tony Podesta to his brother John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair. The email was a forward from Marina Abramovic, a “performance artist,” who performs some really bizarre things.

So what is this ‘spirit cooking’? Who is Marina Abramovic? And is the email from her real?

First up ‘spirit cooking’ seems to be a piece of performance art, using what appears to be animal blood to write out how to connect with spirits. It also includes spreading the “blood” around a room and on top of some sort of statue. Is it “satanic” as some have said? There is no evidence that it is, but it is certainly weird (and the type of thing the National Endowment of the Arts would probably fund.

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