
Life Recovery Message Anxiety, Colossians 3:1-4 Major Mark Unruh

Life Recovery Message Anxiety, Colossians 3:1-4 Major Mark Unruh Anxiety, Colossians 3:1-4

Recently I’ve been thinking about anxiety and a feeling of being anxious.

Honestly, I think it’s perfectly normal to be anxious in a lot of situations. When we meet somebody for the first time and we’re anxious. When we have to speak in front of a large crowd were going to feel anxious. When we come into a facility such as this we should feel anxious.

The problem comes where the anxiety becomes more than we can handle, this could be unhealthy.

Another issue we face deals with an something that we all understand. We want what we want when we want it. So when it doesn’t come when we want or how we want it we get all worked up.

In Luke Chapter 12:22, Jesus tells us, ‘don’t worry about everyday life, whether you have enough food to eat or clothes to wear. For life consists of far more than food and clothing’.

But we can even get anxious and all worked up about that don’t we.

We ask God for help with something and we want it when we want it. And when it don’t come the way we want it we blame God.

Psalm 22:1, my God, my God! Why have you forsaken me? Why do you remain so distant? Why do you ignore my cries for help?

First are we OK with God’s ‘WHEN’?

Do we really look at what we’re asking for and expect it, when we want it, how we want it? Or, are we cool we God’s timing?

Step 11 states, sought through prayer and meditation to improve my conscious contact with God praying only for the knowledge of his will for my life and the power to carry it out.

Is that what we’re praying for, but we want more.

What is our ‘WHAT’? What are we praying for?

I look at it this way, we got enough to work on without having to worry about stuff and the things of this world. We need to be focused on our salvation. We need to first be concerned with our deliverance. Therefore shouldn’t worry about anything else. We need to ask God to save us.

We have to completely submit ourselves to Him.

Read; Colossians 3 verses 1 to 4.

What’s more important than inner peace?

Why should we ask for anything more, let’s start with that. After all, isn’t that the cure for our anxiety.

It’s not gain stuff or getting what we want when we want it.

It’s all about getting right with God, and being at peace with him.


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