
Spiritual Medicine Digest: Why it is vital to manage your Reactivity

Spiritual Medicine Digest: Why it is vital to manage your Reactivity In this week's Spiritual Medicine Digest, I first talk about how the Inifiniverse is recalibrating in many ways over the next couple of weeks and some sensitive souls are able to feel that in their bodies.  Then I discuss the importance of managing your reactivity.  If you are like most of us, you want a life of joy, health and prosperity.  And if you're serious about it, it is vital you learn how the technique I show you in this video.

Not only does your physical body, primarily the nervous system, react to the "outside" world, other parts of your body may react as well.  Few people know to "test" the other bodies: mental, emotional, spiritual energetic, dimensional for reactivity as well!  Usually just testing and directing healing to these parts of you is enough to experience a profound shift in how you feel (and how you manifest) when you practice it consistently. 

it never ceases to amaze me the release of stubborn symptoms of all types when you can keep your reactivity close to a 0 on a 10 point scale every day.  It's worth learning how to do this!


1. On Monday's radio show I'm pleased to be interviewing Patrick McKeon, the number 1 certified teacher worldwide of the Buteyko Breathing Method.  if you have sleep apnea, asthma, snoring, cardiovascular issues, or you're an athlete, you definitely want to learn this easy method to increase the oxygen delivery to your cells and improve your health.  Breathing is free! Learning to do this will be a wonderful way to improve your health immensely.  Join us Monday at 12 noon Eastern for this call-in show. 518-514-1190 and hit "1" to raise your hand to ask a question. If you're on my mailing list, we'll email you the exact link to connect via internet the day before the show.

2. I'm excited to announce the early-bird bonus for the Light Warrior Training Camp - how to turn your sensitivity into a superpower.  The bonus will be 3 online "Sensitivity to Superpower" trainings with me - one before the Sept 22-27 event - and two afterwards.  (Value $477)

#stoim,#beingstill,#healing,#addictionhealing,#divinedirectives,#divinedirectivesforhumanity . #Spiritualalchemy,#lightmedicine,#consciousness,#oneness,#beingness,#attentionnotaddiction,

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