
Temple in heaven furnished at time of Pre-tribulation Rapture! 100% Guarantee! Amen!

Temple in heaven furnished at time of Pre-tribulation Rapture! 100% Guarantee! Amen! Praise the LORD! God is good all the time and all the time God is good! PowerPoint presentation on the Tabernacle and how it proves the pretribulation rapture. Amen!

YHWH,Yeshua,Jesus,God,Holy Spirit,Day of the LORD,Temple,Tabernacle,Heaven,70 years,70 weeks,Daniel,Revelation,Harpazo,Prophet,Prophecy,2 witnesses,144000,Israel,Church,Body of Christ,Marriage of the Lamb,Rapture,Last days,Cloudy day,Table of Showbread,Ark,Ark of the covenant,Menorah,7 churches,Altar of Incense,Moses,Hail stones,Coals of fire,Jacobs trouble,Darkness,Hell,Deviil,Lake of fire,Wrath,End of days,End of the age,

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