
Why are you so sure about yourself? | Alireza Panahian

Why are you so sure about yourself? | Alireza Panahian Why are you so sure about yourself?

As soon as some people become religious, they become completely sure about themselves! "I'm in a perfect position." A perfect position?! What have you achieved? It's possible for a person's being religious and revolutionary not to continue. A person's fervour for Imam Mahdi ('a.j.) may not continue. A person may not continue praying. We must talk about this, especially in religious groups. A person's participation in religious meetings might not continue. Yes, talk about this. Persistence is hard.
Believe me, a person can feel this in the people around him. As soon as some people become religious, they become completely sure about themselves! "I'm in a good position." A perfect position? What have you achieved? He doesn't study, think, moan, talk with God, rush to struggle to collect rewards so that he doesn't stay behind. So, what kind of a religious person are you? He goes to the Mosque or a meeting and returns.
He doesn't have any special smell or use. No good smell can be sensed from him, nor any sweetness. He is not worried about persistence at all. Are you sure you will stay on this path? There are many people who haven't remained!
My dear, you are not a unique person in your era. Did you know that Ibn Muljam was a unique person in Yemen? The Commander of the Faithful, Ali ('a), said, "Send 10 of your best people to me." The people of Yemen chose 100 people. They chose 70 of these 100 people from among themselves. They chose 30 people from the 70. They carried out a very succinct selection process. 30 people were reduced to 10. 10 people came to the Commander of the Faithful (a) and sent one forward. That one person was Ibn Muljam Muradi. There weren't that many traitors in Yemen to say one was Ibn Muljam. Yemen was praiseworthy from the beginning, and still is.
Sometimes God chooses one bad one from among the best ones to warn others. It's possible for a person's being religious and revolutionary not to continue. We should talk about this. Especially in religious meetings. Perseverance is hard. Do you think a religious person who doesn't do anything will stay on this path? You're joking!


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